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I will not sink, I will rise Blog

David Adabale • Aug 03, 2020

Can I ask you a question? Why does a boat sink? Does a boat sink because the boat is in water or does a boat sink because water gets into the boat? Of course, the boat sinks because water gets into the boat.

So friend, whatever pressure of life you may be facing or whatever the storms of life that your boat may be experiencing. Tell yourself that “in the name of Jesus, I will not sink, I will rise.”

The pressures of life are inevitable by stress is optional.

Why am I sharing this blog with you today? One reason, for you to fortify yourself, for you to be strengthened in God and tell yourself; I will not sink, I will rise.

Diamond Believer - Who Are You!?

The Story Of Titanic

At 2:20 a.m. on April 15, 1912, the British ocean liner Titanic sinks into the North Atlantic Ocean about 400 miles south of Newfoundland, Canada. The massive ship, which carried 2,200 passengers and crew, had struck an iceberg two and half hours before.

On April 10, the RMS Titanic, one of the largest and most luxurious ocean liners ever built, departed Southampton, England, on its maiden voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. The Titanic was designed by the Irish shipbuilder William Pirrie and built in Belfast, and was thought to be the world’s fastest ship. It spanned 883 feet from stern to bow, and its hull was divided into 16 compartments that were presumed to be watertight. Because four of these compartments could be flooded without causing a critical loss of buoyancy, the Titanic was considered unsinkable.

On its first journey across the highly competitive Atlantic ferry route, the ship carried some 2,200 passengers and crew.

After stopping at Cherbourg, France, and Queenstown, Ireland, to pick up some final passengers, the massive vessel set out at full speed for New York City. 

 However, just before midnight on April 14, the RMS Titanic failed to divert its course from an iceberg and ruptured at least five of its hull compartments. These compartments filled with water and pulled down the bow of the ship. However, just before midnight on April 14, the RMS Titanic failed to divert its course from an iceberg and ruptured at least five of its hull compartments. These compartments filled with water and pulled down the bow of the ship. 

Because the Titanic‘s compartments were not capped at the top, water from the ruptured compartments filled each succeeding compartment, causing the bow to sink and the stern to be raised up to an almost vertical position above the water. 

Then the Titanic broke in half, and, at about 2:20 a.m. on April 15, stern and bow sank to the ocean floor.

Question, why did the titanic sink? Was it because it was in water or because the water go into it. Of course, it was because the water Got into it.

Stories from The Psalms

One of the most popular books of the bible that many people refer to for comfort, guidance and direction especially during stressful situation is the book of Psalms. You will notice that the book of psalms is the account of men and women, who has chosen to look unto good during despairing moments, instead of stressing about there situation

  • Why are you downcast oh my soul, put your hope in God – Psalm 42:5
  • When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I – Psalm 61:1-2
  • The Lord is my light and my salvation, who shall I fear, the lord is the stronghold of my life, of whom shall I be afraid – Psalm 27:1
  • This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it – Psalm 118:24

Lesson from Jesus

Men and women of old that have stood the test of time, overcame significant opposition and rose about immense storms – had 4 things in common that ensured that they didn’t sink in the sea of life.  

In Matthew 8:23-27 and Mark 4:35-41, we read of the story in which a storm arose when Jesus and his disciples where in the board. During the storm, Jesus was sleeping in the lower chamber and his disciples came to him panicking “Master, don’t you care that we perish?”

Jesus was in the boat but he didn’t not let the storm get into him. The disciples were already terrified, because their language communicated their panic – “Don’t you care that we are perishing?”

Friend, the purpose of every storm is to see how it can get water into you but as long as you decide in yourself that by the grace of God, you will not sink but you will rise. 

“Indecision is also a decision, you are just letting someone else make that decision for you”.

Overcoming the pressures of life

Another phrase for the storms of life is what is call ‘external pressure’ they could be financial, health wise, relationship. Whatever it is, so far you fortify yourself, you would not sink

How do you fortify yourself?

By remembering that you are primarily a spirit being, you have a soul and you live in a body.

  • Your spirit is where you experience God – theological experience
  • Your soul is where you have a perception of yourself – Psychological experience
  • Your Body is the bridge between your inner world and your out world – Physiological experience 
  • It is your body that relates to your outer world to create your sociological experience.

Many pressures we face in life starts as external pressure, through our 5 senses, then if we are not careful, they become internal and that is the point where sinking could set it.

However, when we follow the 4 actions that the bible encourages us in doing regularly, we will notice that we are more fortified and whatever storms we face, indeed, we’ll notice that we are not sinking but we are rising 

we are not physical beings trying to have a spiritual experience, we are spirit beings called to master our physical experiences.

How to withstand Pressure

  1. Strengthen your spirit daily, through Devotion; this is the process by which we communicate with God through the help of the Holy Spirit. It happens by communing with God in our spirit through prayer, worship and reading the bible. This also includes talking to God, asking Him questions and waiting for His response. This is our theological experience.
  2. Feed your soul with information from your spirit through Meditation. Meditation is memorising and contemplating information you obtained from God during Devotion. It is simply dwelling on a dominant thought. Meditation can also be negative if one dwells on thoughts that originate from our body (physiology) or ‘the world’ (sociology). This is our psychological experience.
  3. Prepare your body to act, based on Decision. Once information from the spirit is transferred to the soul through the mind. A decision is made by ‘the will’ – the chooser. Once a decision is made, the emotions will respond by releasing the necessary hormones that drive the action in our body. This becomes our physiological experience.
  4. Finally, reveal your response back to the world through your Action. This is how the world knows that a process that took place in you. A positive thought from God will help to withstand the pressure. Conversely, negative thoughts will show that you are not being strengthened from your spirit. What we manifest back to the world is our sociological experience

Friend, as a Diamond Believer; you have been engineered by God to withstand the pressure of life. You are not designed to sink in the storms of life but to rise. So I encourage you, Engage your spirit, soul and body for effectiveness in life and preparation for the next level.

This blog is an extract from the book Diamond Believer - Chapter 8 - Withstanding the pressure of life.
Read more about the book here

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By David Adabale 14 Jun, 2021
I want to start this reading by sharing a very personal story with you. One of the enriching relationships that I have in my life is with my daughter – Sophia Adabale. As a matter of fact, we co-authored my 4 th book together titled – Diamond Believer for Teens.
I will rest and not stress
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I have discovered that the pressures of life are inevitable by stress is optional. So, what is the difference between stress and pressure. Pressure is what happens on the outside due to external factor e.g. people’s expectation, reality of your situations and the fact of your circumstance based on your 5 senses – however, stress is an internal conflict as a result of the gap between what your 5 senses present to you and what your inner conviction expect to be your reality. Also, stress is a decision. I’m reminded of a saying by that “Indecision is also a decision; you are just letting someone else make that decision for you”. Listen to this audio to inspire you on how to rest and not stress
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I want to start this reading by sharing a very personal story with you. One of the enriching relationships that I have in my life is with my daughter – Sophia Adabale. As a matter of fact, we co-authored my 4 th book together titled – Diamond Believer for Teens.
I will rest and not stress
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I have discovered that the pressures of life are inevitable by stress is optional. So, what is the difference between stress and pressure. Pressure is what happens on the outside due to external factor e.g. people’s expectation, reality of your situations and the fact of your circumstance based on your 5 senses – however, stress is an internal conflict as a result of the gap between what your 5 senses present to you and what your inner conviction expect to be your reality. Also, stress is a decision. I’m reminded of a saying by that “Indecision is also a decision; you are just letting someone else make that decision for you”. Listen to this audio to inspire you on how to rest and not stress
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I want you to know that God as invested a lot in you and he’s looking at getting return on his investment. The only way to give him the return on his investment is to be faithful with what he has given you. I call this ‘consistently faithful stewardship’. That is what the bible passage in Matthew 25:14-30 is all about. One of my great teacher and former boss, Pastor Michael Olawore of blessed memory told me of a story about a man who worked for a privately owned construction company: H  e had been with his boss for a while, managed several projects and made a lot of money. He is known to do his work with excellence and building house for his boss to a high quality. After a while, his boss was advancing in age, his boss bought thought about how to reward him and release him. So, his boss called him and told him that his next building project will be the final one for the boss and the boss will release him. So, he was given all the money required to build a top notch high quality house Guess what the servant did, he compromised on the quality of the building, he kept some money back and used inferior materials to build the house because he thought, this is his only chance to make money off his boss When the work was completed, he gave the key to the completed house to his boss. The boss thanked him for his years of service and handed the key of the house back to the servant, that the house was for the servant, that was why he (the boss) requested that it must be the best quality house The servant thought to himself, I should have just been faithful with what I was given because it does come back and hurt you if you are not faithful Our faithfulness on the current level qualifies us for abundance in the next. Therefore, in order for us to have a happy new year indeed, we need to be faithful with the treasures God has given us. To do this, you need to have 3 mind sets : 1. Recognise that you don’t own anything, they are all a loan 2. There is nothing at your disposal that is an end in itself, it’s a means to an end 3. Every treasure you have is for an assignment So how do we make the most of our treasures, by being intentional in the we : 1. Make it 2. Manage it 3. Multiply it Listen to more on this podcast
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